Good Cop is a new crime drama series starting on BBC which is a slight twist on the standard police drama. The programme focuses mainly on the main character John Paul RockSavage (Sav) which really makes the audience think what it would be like to in his shoes and feel sympathy for him when something goes wrong.
How is he first introduced to the audience?
The first scene shows Sav walking, frantically as if to show that someone may be following him, back to what appears to be his house where an elderly man is laying asleep which seems to be his father. As he gets into his house, he splatters blood, which may or may not be his own, over the door then he pulls a gun from his jacket and drops it onto the bed. The camera does a close up shot of the gun and focuses on it for a long period of time. This shows that the gun will have significance throughout the episode. Sav, at this point, looks very distressed and to the audience could appear to be the villain in the story as there are no hints that he may be a police officer but is still carrying a gun and has blood over him.
The meeting on the beach
As Sav is exercising by jogging along the beach, he recognises someone that turns out to be Cassie and her daughter Libby. Again, in this scene, Sav is represented to the audience as someone who could potentially be the ‘bad guy’ as Cassie seems to have an extreme dislike for him. This is shown by her bluntly declining his offer for him to walk with them. It would seem that there is some history between the two of them and that it did not end well as Cassie does not want to speak to him or let him speak to her daughter. Sav claims that he had heard that they had “gone to the states” and Cassie hesitates before answering indicating that it could have been a lie just so that they wouldn’t have to see Sav and could get on with their lives without him.
Relationship with others in his workplace
When Sav goes for a meal at an American Diner type restaurant with what appears to be one of his colleges he is not engaged in the conversation with him as his mind is elsewhere. He spots the drug deal happening at the other end of the diner and also spots the way the customers are treating the waitress. Simultaneously, his college is trying to converse with him and Sav is giving very limited replies as he is watching the abusive customers at the other end of the diner. This shows how he prioritises his work over conversations with friends even when off duty showing how engaged his is with job.
How he deals with the abusive customer and waitress
Sav spots that there is going to be conflict as soon as the man first speaks to the waitress in a brash tone but does not act on it, yet. He then witnesses the man inappropriately touching the waitress and whispering threats in her ear. As the man walks off, the waitress tries to keep strong and not break out in tears but cannot hold back so runs to the toilets to sort herself out. To her surprise the abusive man is already in the toilets and then stops her from leaving. Sav has seen all of this and completely disregards his meal and goes into the toilet to try and resolve the conflict. When he reaches the toilet he finds the abusive man trying to force entry into the waitress’s cubicle and then announces his police officer status. He threatens to search the abusive man’s pockets, knowing that he has drugs on his possession, and the abusive man leaves. This shows that Sav is clever and knows how to deal with the public efficiently and also shows he is good at his job even when off duty.
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