Monday, 3 December 2012

Regional Identity- Doc Martin

The first shown by the establishing shot from this clip would be the dull colours in the room from the first scene. These colours consist of browns, beige, dark blues and mostly shades of grey, all of which are dull and could represent the boring lives the people in the region lead and show the their monotonous manual labour jobs such as Plumbers.

The father of the plumbing team is clearly a working class man who could be classed as the stereotypical obese Cornish man through his accent, scruffy overalls and work attire, his need to continuously speak and his common accent with a lack of Received Pronunciation.  In complete contrast to this, Doc Martin enters the room dressed in formal clothing and is well-spoken He stands away from the manual labour work going on. This shows he puts distance between himself and manual labour and classes himself as better than the workers. The inequality is shown further through a low angle three shot showing the two plumbers lower than Doc Martin, which represents their places in society and shows Doc Martins superiority over the two plumbers.

Before the younger plumber is given a chance to speak properly, the audience could perceive him as similar to his father and to share the same traits as him. However, when he stands up to speak, it is clear that he is of higher intelligence than his father and also speaks with more received pronunciation. This is shown by the light shining more on the young male oppose to the father and the fact that the young plumber is higher than the older male.

When Doc Martin visits the local Police Station he is shocked, as it does not appear to be a Police Station at first due to the small size and the casual manner of the appearance.  Doc Martin only realises it was a Police Station when he sees the officer dressed in uniform but even then he is shown hovering. This is not typical behavior for police officers and shows the quiet nature of the small village, which is what would be expected.

Near the end of the clip, as Doc Martin is walking past the school, the camera angle is tilted at a strange angle and is jerking. This shows that Doc Martin is out of his comfort zone is not used to his surroundings. As he is so used to towns and cities, Doc Martin is uncomfortable with his location and this is emphasised by  the use of the camera angles and steadiness of the camera itself.

1 comment:

  1. Reece,

    some good comments here but not enough to be an essay. Next time, try writing it on paper and have a prompt sheet of what you need to cover in front of you.You need to say what our expectations of regional identity are and if this clip reinforces or challenges these.
